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What is in TriNetX for VCU?

What is in TriNetX for VCU?

  • VCU Data is updated weekly Wednesday 8AM EST
  • VCU Data includes patients from both VCU and VCU Health Community Memorial Hospital
  • Demographics (i.e., year of birth)
  • Diagnoses (ICD 10, ICD 9 Codes)
  • Procedures (ICD-9-CM, ICD-10-PCS, CPT, HCPCS)
  • Labs (LOINC, Numeric and text results)
  • Vitals (LOINC, Numeric and text results)
  • Medication Orders (RxNorm, brand, strength, route of administration, quantity, days supply)
  • Inpatient fills, outpatient prescriptions
  • Tumor Registry
  • Encounter/Visit Type (Ambulatory, Emergency, Inpatient)


  • Data are de-identified and obfuscated
  • Accurate data goes as far back as 2010
  • No clinical note or report-based data
  • No genomic data
  • No SNOMED data
  • Outcome: Mortality linkage
  • Visit Details length of stay is limited to "short stay" in the interface; however, length of stay can be calculated via the encounter dataset.
  • Exact patient counts require IRB approval documentation to be shown before the VCU TriNetX team shares that information

What is in a TriNetX-requested dataset extract?

  • CSV for patient-level data for all of the above-mentioned items
  • Dates shifting in TriNetX is +/- 30 days for a given de-identified dataset
  • Exempt IRB approval is required to request a deidentified dataset
  • Encounter Source (HCO: VCU or TriNetX: Outside VCU)
  • For more information on a data extract, please see the attached FAQs and Data dictionary at the bottom page


Diagnosis file example:


Research Dataset FAQ:

How do I request a TriNetX Dataset for VCU patients or Research Network (multiple institutions) patients?

Please see Guide: TriNetX Request Dataset at VCU Guide - TriNetX - VCU Wiki

What can be done with Analytics?

  • Logistic regression
  • Compare outcomes between 2 cohorts
  • Explore incidence and prevalence

Other Frequently Asked Questions:

What can be done with Analytics?

  • Logistic regression
  • Compare outcomes between 2 cohorts
  • Explore incidence and prevalence

Which sites are in the Virginia Collaborative Network? Note: This network has been placed into development and is currently not available

  1. VCU
  2. UVA
  3. Carillion

What is meant by "Other Race" in Explore Cohort: Demographics?

Other Race could mean multi-racial, or other race not listed in the available options: Asian, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, White. We also have Unknown, when there is no data / missing data on the patient's race. We wouldn't show more detail than one of those 7 race options within the dataset either, it will be consistent with what you see on the platform. You could likely see the specific selections if you were to conduct a chart review at your institution following the IRB guidelines. The race data within our data model follows the HL7 CDC Version 1 standards. I'd also recommend reviewing our Best Practices in Querying Patient Diversity - Strategy Guide to learn more about what is available and can be used within the platform. 

What CPT code can I use to find ICU, SCU, or PCU?

1013729: Critical Care Services

Apart from the Hierarchy Tree in TriNetX, can I learn more about an ICD code or Lab code in TriNetX?

No, you may reference the below resources to learn more about ICD code or Labs respectively:

Copy of the latest VCU TriNetX Cheat Sheet/guide